As a noninvasive procedure, IPL is highly effective at creating stellar results with less downtime than surgery. Contact us for a skin analysis to see if this service can help you achieve your skin care goals.

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IPL Procedure

IPL stands for intense pulsed light. It’s a type of light therapy used to treat wrinkles, spots, and unwanted hair.

You can use IPL to minimize or remove:


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How much does IPL cost?

Each person’s skin is unique so the cost of IPL treatments will vary based on your personal skin condition. Fearfully & Wonderfully Made runs specials on treatments, like IPL therapy, at times and takes a variety of convenient payment options. During your aesthetic consultation, we can estimate your cost and recommend how many sessions are needed to fit your goals.

How quick are the results from IPL?

Visible improvements can usually be experienced after each Harmony XL PRO IPL treatment, but final results are apparent around one month after a full series of treatments is completed. It’s common for patients to respond differently to every session. You will likely see a gradual improvement in redness, blotchiness, age spots, and sun spots over time.

What are the possible side effects of IPL?

You may have mild side effects, like temporary swelling, redness, blisters, bruising, or crusting. However, these effects should fade in a few days. Your skin will be photosensitive, and you should keep in mind that excessive sun exposure will affect your results. You should also wear sunscreen to help prevent skin damage, such as redness and sun spots.

Do I need to prep for IPL?

Orland Park, IL patients about to undergo an IPL treatment are usually asked to avoid sun exposure and self-tanners for a minimum of 2 – 4 weeks before treatment. You might need to discontinue the use of Retin-A/Renova, tetracycline, minocycline, and doxycycline a few days prior to each treatment, and you will likely need to avoid taking blood thinners and anti-inflammatory medications for one week before the procedure to decrease your risk of developing bruises. It is also recommended that you use sunscreen between treatments.

Why should I get multiple IPL sessions?

Multiple IPL treatments with Harmony XL PRO are recommended to provide gradual improvements to your skin. Each session will help to reduce surface irregularities and spots. Multiple sessions also produce longer-lasting aesthetic results.

What is the difference between IPL and laser treatment?

IPL is similar to a laser treatment. However, a laser focuses just one wavelength of light at your skin, while IPL releases light of many different wavelengths, like a photo flash.

The light from IPL is more scattered and less focused than a laser. IPL penetrates down to the second layer of your skin (dermis) without harming the top layer (epidermis), so it causes less damage to your skin.

Pigment cells in your skin absorb the light energy, which is converted into heat. The heat destroys the unwanted pigment to clear up freckles and other spots. Or, it destroys the hair follicle to prevent the hair from growing again.

You can use IPL anywhere on your body, but it may not work as well on uneven areas. It isn’t recommended for people who tend to get thick, raised keloid scars or who have darker skin tones. It’s also not as effective on light-colored hair as it is on darker hair.



Laura Biris

Laura Biris is the lead medical aesthetician and cosmetologist at Fearfully & Wonderfully Made in Orland Park, IL. She is an expert at assessing a patient’s skin condition and recommending optimal.

Anna Smith

Anna Smith

Born and raised in Chicago, Anna was always interested in the beauty industry. She was creative in styling and fixing hair among making her own natural face masks. She is a licensed Instructor in the beauty.